Monday, September 15, 2008

New Toys

Now that Riley is more sturdy when she's sitting up, I figured it was time to get her some new toys to play with. So, Riley and I made a trip to the Navy Exchange and picked up the classic Fisher Price rings. Riley was so excited when I sat her down and put those rings in front of her. She got a huge smile on her face and starting waving her little hands in excitement! I didn't even show her what to do with the rings. Riley just went at them and started taking them off the yellow pole. I also picked her up a Fisher Price bucket that has different shapes cut out on the lid. This toy is a little advanced for her, but Riley does enjoy chewing on the shapes and the lid to the bucket! It's fun to watch her try and figure out what to do with her new toys.

1 comment:

The Gunning Family said...

The time-tested toys! We had both of those for our kids! I can remember hunting high and low for all the shape pieces that went with the bucket! Riley is getting so big so fast! We will have Ezio this weekend! He's crawling so it should be quite an adventure! I'll send pix. Love and miss you bunches - Aunt Donna