Thursday, May 10, 2012

Deployment Time

Yesterday was a rough day for our family.  We had to say goodbye to Trey as it was time for him to leave on deployment for the first time in 5 years.  The only deployment that we've had together was when I was still living in MD and we didn't have any babies.  This time around the feeling is much different.  I had moments of tears days before leading up to deployment day.  Just the thought of him being away from us was making me sad.  

Trey was going to catch a ride to the boat from a guy he works with because he didn't want to have to say goodbye to us and have us watch him walk away.  Yesterday morning I was chatting with him as he was getting ready before he left, Trey decided he wanted us to drop him off at the boat.  We woke the girls up and packed everyone into the car.  I had to put my brave face on because I wasn't expecting to drop him off.  We pulled up in the parking lot where we were dropping Trey off and he says, "no crying."  Right then the tears just started pouring down my face.  I told him he shouldn't have said that! We both got out of the car and he kissed Emrey and then walked around to say goodbye to Riley.  I was a wreck.  Riley was hugging him tight and tears were welling up in her eyes.  Last, but not least, Trey said goodbye to Hadley.  She gave her daddy big hugs and the poor thing started crying because she wanted to go with him.  Then it was my turn to hug and kiss Trey goodbye.  I tried to have my brave face on, but I don't think you could see it behind all of my tears.  That was one of the toughest moments of my life so far.  Probably the toughest.  Riley cried the entire way home.  That didn't make it any easier for me.  Lord knows I was an emotional wreck along with her!  

Riley continued to have a rough morning up until I got Emrey down for a nap and pulled out one of her favorite birthday presents, jewelry beads!  This is something we can only play with when Emrey is sleeping because there are tiny pieces that I know would be in Emrey's mouth in a matter of seconds.  Riley made a ring for each one of her fingers and was so excited about it.  It was the first smile she had cracked all day!  I was happy to see a smile on my sweet girls face!  After jewelry making the girls were content playing on their leap pads.  Those things keep them occupied for hours.  Whatever was making them happy was making me happy!

We have a long 7 months ahead of us.  Trey, know that we love you and will be thinking of you.  Stay safe!  

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