Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Collar Bone Check Up

 Yesterday I had to take Riley to the orthopedic doctor to have her collar bone checked out.  It's been four weeks since my little gymnast was swinging on the furniture and broke her collar bone.  The fun part of this appointment was the fact it was smack dab in the middle of nap time.  Luckily, Hadley took an early nap, so she was well rested.  I did have to wake sweet Emrey from her slumber, and she looked at me like I was crazy when I woke her.  Oh what fun, dragging three little ones to Tripler(a huge Army hospital) for Riley's appointment. I was really bad and parked in one of the expectant mothers parking spots.  There weren't any spots to be found and I wasn't parking a mile away and walking with my three girls that far.  I figured it was alright since I didn't ever park there while I was pregnant with Hadley because I never knew about those special spots!  Plus, there were quite a few maternity spots open.  Honestly, I didn't feel too guilty about it.  We checked in for Riley's appointment and sat and waited to be called.  After about 5 minutes Hadley was already climbing over all the chairs in the waiting room.  I nicely told her she needed to sit on her bottom or she's be in big trouble.  Surprisingly, she listened and sat down nicely.  About 2 minutes later Hadley informed me she was ready to go home!  I laughed and thought I'd never make it through this appointment.  Riley's name got called after about 10 minutes and we were then told we had to go check in at Xray.  I got Riley checked in at Xray and then we sat and waited for another 15 minutes when Riley finally got called to Xray.  After her Xray we went back into the doctors office and all sat on a bed and waited for our turn to be seen by the doctor.  That took literally 20 minutes.  In the meantime, Riley and Hadley were playing with each other, laughing as loud as they could, and just being silly.  I couldn't help but laugh at them as I tried to keep them as quiet as possible.  But what do you expect with a 4 year old and 2.5 year old?!  They weren't being bad, just loud.  I was trying to get them to sit nicely and smile for a picture, but they just kept jumping around and laughing.

Emrey sat so nicely the entire time in her stroller.  She didn't complain one bit.  She kept spitting her binky out and chewing on her big toe, which seems to be one of her favorite chew toys right now!

The doctor finally saw us and said that Riley's Xray looked good.  Her collar bone is still broken, but healing nicely.  He showed me where the new bone was forming and how much further it still had to go.  He said it would probably take about another 4 weeks to fully heal.  Riley doesn't have to wear her sling anymore, but I still have to make sure she doesn't rough house too much.  Which is hard to do with her because she loves to jump around, pick Emrey up, and wrestle with Hadley and her daddy.  I may have to occasionally put her sling on her just to restrain her from wild activity!!

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