Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Teething Nugget

 Yesterday morning when Hadley woke up I was greeted with the smell of poop as I opened her bedroom door.  I could tell by the smell what I was about to experience wasn't going to be delightful.  I looked in her crib to see that she had an explosive diaper which was all over her sheet and up her back.  As I picked Hadley up I noticed she felt really warm.  I got her all cleaned up and then took care of her crib.  Then I took her temperature to find that she had 100.5 fever.  She didn't want to eat anything for breakfast but drank her milk which made me happy, at least she was going to stay hydrated.  She's having a little crush on Buzz Lightyear these days so I turned on Toy Story for her and let her watch a movie.  She snuggled up on the couch for a bit and didn't make a peep.  Then she started her whining and rubbing her eyes so I gave her some Tylenol and put her down for a nap.  I knew she was feeling cruddy because she had only been awake for a hour and a half and she was already ready for a nap.  She slept for a good two and a half hours.  I was hoping she'd wake up with a decrease in her temperature but it was still over 100.  I tried to feed her lunch but she only ate about 5 goldfish crackers.  She snuggled on me for a bit and then requested Buzz again.  

Only this time as she was watching her movie she curled up on the floor and decided to go back to sleep.  I was shocked that she passed out on the floor.  My poor little nugget was definitely not feeling herself.  She is cutting new teeth and I'm pretty sure it's her molars.  She won't let me look in her mouth but she has been jamming her fingers all the way in the back of her mouth, so I'm assuming that is where the teeth are cutting through.  She ate some applesauce for dinner and by the time I put her to bed her fever was down to 99.5.  I was praying she'd wake up today feeling better, or at least not running a fever and having diarrhea.  
Hadley got up this morning without a fever and ate some pancakes for breakfast.  She seems to be in much better spirits today.  Thank goodness!  It breaks my heart when my babies don't feel well, which isn't often(knock on wood)!

1 comment:

Terry said...

You are the best mommy ever.
Love you,