Wednesday, April 13, 2011

On Her Own

For the past few weeks Hadley has been insisting on using the potty.  At first I totally ignored her requests because she's only 16 months old and I really didn't think she knew what she was asking.  Now, she's not saying "I need to pee," but she is pulling at her diaper and putting the potty seat on the toilet.  When I ask her if she needs to pee pee she either says yes or shakes her head up and down.  So I figured I'd be a bad mom if I kept ignoring her requests.  And why not let her sit on the potty when she asks to?  For the past three nights before her bath she has actually been peeing on the potty.  I'm totally amazed and in awe that my 16 month old is potty training herself.  I'm sure it has a lot to do with watching Riley use the potty all the time.  I'm excited and relieved that it's probably going to be easier the second time around with potty training.  I just wish Hadley was talking more so that she could communicate her need to use the potty better, but I'm impressed with how she lets me know now.  Who knows, maybe she'll be fully potty trained before she's two!  That would be totally awesome in my book!  Then I'd only have to deal with one child in diapers!  

Hadley won't let me feed her anymore.  She has to do it all on her own.  Sometimes it drives me crazy because of the mess she makes.  Then I remember how I have both of my hands free to myself so that I can eat and the mess becomes less of an annoyance to me.  Hadley has always been a messy eater anyway.  I think it's just the fact that I'm 8 months pregnant and almost everything annoys me these days.  I'm trying to keep my patience at the highest level possible and not let little things bother me.  It's much harder to do this time around for me.  Cheers to my messy eater and little potty trainer!  

1 comment:

Sara said...

honestly, that's exactly how it started with Bella too. Hadley will definitely get the potty down before she's two. It's amazing how different kids can be! Hooray for no diapers.