Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Riley's Big Girl Bike

A big thank you to Poppy, Grandma Kathy and Uncle Tyler for this awesome bike!  Riley received this cool birthday present in the mail yesterday and her awesome daddy put it together for her today despite the fact that he's still battling the stomach bug.  Riley was thrilled to pieces with her new bike.  She especially likes that it has a bell!  That's my favorite part too!  I've been trying to teach Riley how to ride the bike but it's a much harder process than I expected.  Not to mention that it's difficult for me to bend over for too long.  Riley tends to get frustrated easily, so I'm sure over time she'll get the whole "how to" pedal a bike.  Even though she can't make the bike go, she loves to sit on her bike.  Riley's an expert on how to brake.  Now we just need to teach her to pedal!  Thanks again for the awesome gift!


Terry said...

The bell is the favorite thing on my bike too.

Elyse said...

Eli had a hard time learning how to pedal too...he still goes pretty slow. So different from Ben who was riding his tricycle at warp speed around age 2.
She looks mighty pretty on it though, so that is all that matter. :)