Saturday, March 5, 2011


I have been trying to have Riley let me put barrettes in her hair for over a year now.  I am thrilled to announce that Riley has requested to wear barrettes!!!  She has some uncontrollable hair and I guess it's starting to drive her a little crazy.  Riley informed me the other day that she needed barrettes to hold her hair back.  Yay!!  So I took her to Target yesterday and let her pick out a bunch of different barrettes.  She chose some with flowers and others were hear shaped.  It's not the best picture below, but you can see she's wearing purple barrettes on the right side of the photo.  She is in love with her barrettes and I'm excited for her!  I think she looks adorable!

I picked up some smaller barrettes for Hadley while we were shopping too.  Her hair is growing so fast and I desperately needed to get her some so that her bangs aren't in her face all day long.  I think she looks pretty cute in her barrettes too.


Terry said...

Such little ladies...your girls are beautiful.

Sara said...

yay for hair accessories. I love them!