Monday, March 14, 2011

Doughnut Faces

Yesterday morning Trey ran out to the store and picked us up some doughnuts for breakfast.  It's always a nice treat to not have to cook a meal on the weekend.  Of course doughnuts here don't taste like the scrumptious Dunkin' Donuts.  But I'll take what I can get!  The girls always enjoy a special treat too!  Except with doughnuts they tend to only eat the part that has frosting on it.  So instead of taking a normal bite they take bites from the top of the doughnut.  Then when they are done they both ask for more.  I'm not nice enough to give them another one.  I think one doughnut is plenty, especially when all they are eating is the frosting!  I do love these faces!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Awesome! I'm glad we aren't the only ones feeding our kids chocolate for breakfast here and there. A doughnut once in awhile is a nice treat!