Friday, January 21, 2011

Long Days

Once again I've been asked why my blog hasn't been updated in over a week.  I'm not sure what you think goes on in my house, but blogging doesn't get to happen everyday for me.  I don't have the time with my two little munchkins needing constant attention.  I can't blog when Hadley is awake because whenever I'm on the computer she insists on sitting on my lap.  That results in only being able to skype.  When Hadley is napping I'm folding laundry, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows, scrubbing toilets, and the list goes on. And yes, these chores are a daily occurrence in my house!   Sometimes I even get to sneak a nap in myself.  Not to mention I have a new guilty pleasure of playing Angry Birds on my Ipad which takes up a lot of my free time.  If you know what I'm talking about then you understand my addiction and that I just can't put the game down!

For the past two weeks my days have been extra long because Trey has been working 13 hour days, seven days a week.  Trey is normally not getting home until 7:30pm and that is about the time the girls are getting their bath and getting ready for bed.  He's exhausted when he gets home and I can't blame him because I'm just as exhausted!  The girls get to bed, I fix Trey some dinner and then it's bedtime.  So please forgive my non-blogging self for not giving any updates.  With Trey working so much, I've kind of gotten a sneak peak of what sea duty is going to bring our way.  The lack of Daddy being at home has both of the girls asking for Daddy much more and showing Daddy lots of attention when they get to see him.  I can't really imagine how it's going to be with three little ones by myself for at least six months at a time.  I know I can do it, but there might be a few glasses of wine involved!  

Riley has a new obsession with my Itouch.  She's always asking me, "Mommy, where is your Itouch?"  She has discovered all on her own how to get on You Tube and watch Mickey Mouse cartoons.  I mean she's still 2 years old.  She's going to be more computer savvy than I am!  I don't mind her using it until she somehow changed all of my icons and moved them all around.  I have no idea how to undo what she did, but she managed to fix it for me.  Lord help me!  

Hadley keeps entertained by all different things from tea parties to baby dolls to stacking blocks.  She loves playing with the alphabet magnets, but I have to watch her like a hawk because the letters wind up in her mouth all of the time.  She thinks it's funny to stuff a bunch in her mouth and then have me chase her.  I'm never laughing in the matter because I'm scared to death she's going to choke on a letter.  She's as rotten as they come, but I can't help but love her to death!

During Trey's escapade of working late and long hours he always begs me to keep the girls up so that he can see them for a little bit.  So I do my best to keep them happy, playful, and awake until their Daddy arrives home.  Some nights they have both been crying and screaming with me, but the second that Daddy walks through the door they are the happiest children on the planet.  I guess after 13 hours with Mommy they've had enough!  Luckily, Trey doesn't have to work the long hours and seven days a week anymore.  I'm counting my blessings that those days are over, for now!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I think it's understandable if you can't blog. Just get yourself some rest! Glad you are all doing well.