Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Battling a Cold

 It's been about a week that Hadley has been battling an awful cold.  Her nose is constantly running and she's got a horrid cough to accompany that runny nose.  Riley had a runny nose for a day or two and then was back on the healthy wagon.  I had the privilege of getting sick along with Hadley, but luckily for me it only lasted for 3 days.  Thanks to Sudafed for getting me through the rough days!  I feel so awful doing it, but I have to suction out Hadley's nose about 4 times a day.  She HATES having it done and fights me tooth and nail every time I attempt to suction.  I literally have to put her legs under mine and hold her head down on the ground so that she doesn't move while I try to clean out her nose.  It gets done much quicker this way!  I'm seriously hoping that the cold passes soon because I'm tired of suctioning (what seems like) a gallon of snot everyday!  Aside from the fact that Hadley has a cold she's been in pretty good spirits.  The cold has affected her napping, but she's been sleeping through the night with no problem.  Thank God!  The picture below is a shot of Hadley concentrating on building her Lego tower.  She gets frustrated pretty easily these days when she can't do something.  She wasn't happy with me for interrupting her concentration to take a picture, as you can see!

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