Saturday, January 22, 2011

About the Girls

It's hard for me to believe that in three months my first born daughter will turn 3 years old!  Her birthday is all she talks about lately.  I've been informed that she wants a butterfly cake which she has picked out in a birthday cake book that I have.  I'm seriously reminded on a daily basis that she has to have her butterfly cake.  Perhaps I should practice so I don't screw it up!  Riley is quite comical these days with the things she says. The other day she told me that her bed is too small and she needs a big bed like Mommy.  Riley is still in her toddler bed, and Trey & I know she's outgrown it.  However, we are waiting to find out where we are moving to next and how many bedrooms we will have.  If we don't get a 4 bedroom house than Riley & Hadley will have to share a room.  If that's the case then we are going to get bunk beds.  Plus, we don't really want to buy a bed here in Hawaii because they are marked up so much.  
 It took Riley a few days to get comfortable with the idea of having a new sister on the way.  When Trey & I told her she was getting another sister she replied, "no sister, I want a brother." I explained that unfortunately I couldn't give her a brother, but explained how much fun another sister would be.  Once the idea settled with her she was excited.  She tells me that she is going to help me change diapers(even poopy diapers) and help give her new sister a bath.  Riley has been a huge help with Hadley, so I'm sure she's going to be just as wonderful when her new sister arrives.  

 Hadley is a handful and a half.  She is the child that gets into everything.  I try to keep the bathroom door closes because she's constantly playing in the toilet and throwing toys into the toilet.  That would be the number 1 reason that I try to clean the toilet on a daily basis.  She likes to touch everything that she shouldn't and completely ignores me when I tell her no.  If she doesn't ignore me, she bursts into tears.  She has a growing vocabulary.  Her words include ball, dog, mama, dada, no, ni ni(night night) and some others that I can't think of at this moment.  Hadley can make a few animal noises including a cat and pig.  Riley taught Hadley the sign for more which she now uses whenever she hears the word or when she wants more to eat.  She can now climb up on the couch on her own which excites her to pieces!  Hadley also positions toys in front of the tv stand in the playroom and climbs up onto the tv stand.  Not cool!  I catch her all of the time and she screams when I pull her off.  Luckily, no two children are the same so I'm hoping that number three won't be such a little stinker!  I could use a little break!  

Hadley's newest thing is to give kisses all of the time.  I tried to catch one of her kisses but I missed it.  As you can see, Riley is all puckered up waiting to get some love from Hadley.  It's funny though because Hadley won't just give you one kiss, she has to kiss you at least five times!  I love getting kisses from my girls!  

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