Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

Lovely little Valentine girls!! You'll have to excuse the Ravioli sauce on Riley's face, she doesn't like to be wiped up after dinner and I didn't feel like fighting!

We had a nice Valentine's Day here at the Prewitt house. The girls got some nice Valentine's from Poppy & Grandma Kathy, and from Nana. Trey went out early in the morning and came home with a Godiva box for me. It was filled with 4 jumbo chocolate covered strawberries and a shish kabob made of chocolate covered bananas and strawberries. That treat was much needed!! Then we pretty much spent the entire day outside playing, except for nap time and feeding time! Riley cruised around on her bike and in her mustang. However, Riley took a ton of spills outside and scraped her knees all up. Most of her falls she got right back up and kept running. But her last one she started crying. I guess you can only fall on pavement so many times before it really hurts. I put some neosporin on her scrapes and a band-aid to make her feel better. Two seconds later Riley wanted her band-aid off. She's not a fan of them! All in all it was a great day spent with the ones I love. The beautiful 80 degree, sunny day made it all that more enjoyable too!

Look at all that sisterly love! I'm so thankful to have these two beautiful girls in my life. I can't wait to spend more Valentine's Days with them. I look forward to when they understand what the day is about so I can give them special treats that will excite them! I asked Riley if she was my Valentine and she replied "yep!" Of course she had no idea what I meant. Trey told me that Riley wasn't my Valentine, he was! I have plenty of love to spread around. I had 3 Valentine's this year! I'm a lucky lady!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love how squishy Hadley is getting!