Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Round 2

So I gave in and we are now proud owners of an American Cocker Spaniel. Her name is Hula and she is 3 months old. Just what I need is another baby to take care of. But I was tired of being the mean mom/wife that always said no to having a dog. And when I saw this cutie it was much to hard to say no. She was sweet as could be! In all actuality she's a really good puppy. She doesn't bark at all and is laid back. Hula does have her moments of nipping on your toes, but she's a puppy. Riley is super excited about the puppy most of the time. Riley isn't a fan of being licked on the face or having her toes bitten. Riley does love to run around the house and have Hula follow her. It's really cute to watch. What's not really cute is me cleaning up pee and poop off the floor! I can't wait for the puppy to be potty trained, along with Riley! So if you are trying to call me and I don't answer, it's probably because I've now got 3 babies under the age of 2!

Oh, and if you are wondering about our name choice it's because we wanted to choose a Hawaiian name for her. Trey was looking at a list of Hawaiian names asking me how to pronounce them. I had no idea. So I skimmed down the list and saw Hula(meaning "to dance") and we both liked it a lot. So we named her Hula! Love it!


Terry said...

ARE YOU NUTS!!! A PUPPY!!! If you weren't tired enough before, this ought to do it. Okay, that was snow bound, shovel 30", bithcy Aunt.
Hula is really cute! I loved my Cocker. Once the potty training is over, you won't believe the fun you'll have with her.

Sara said...

I second the nuts comment. She's a pretty puppy though!