Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rainy Day

It was pouring down rain here on Tuesday. To keep me occupied I decided to have a little photo shoot with my girls. I mean, you just can't take enough pictures of such sweetness!! Right? Please notice both my girls have long pants on. It's cold here...only 75 degrees! Honestly that is cold to us!
Here is Hadley showing off how much she loves her daddy!

Kissy, kissy! Riley can't give Hadley enough kisses. I definitely don't get as many kisses from Riley as I use to because she's too busy giving them all to her sister. It's the sweetest thing to watch Riley with Hadley. Riley talks to her in this little high pitched voice. I guess Riley hears me change my voice when I talk to Hadley, so she does the same thing. I love it!


Sara said...

Seriously, that is the cutest thing. Addie calls Bella "My Bella", The girls are at their happiest when they are together. Your girls are too cute! Sisters are THE best.

Terry said...

While you are wearing long pants in a 70 degree cold front, we here on the east coast are expecting a stalled arctic front to dump 2 feet of snow. Do I sound bitter?
By the way your girls are beautiful.