Monday, February 22, 2010

Three Months

Yesterday was Hadley's 3 month marker. I can't believe three months has gone by so quickly. Especially since I haven't lost weight like I have wanted to. But that's okay because I started my exercise program yesterday as well. I really haven't been able to work out like I have wanted to because I was taking care of Trey from surgery and trying to get the girls on a routine so that I could find time for myself to work out. So I'm hoping in the next couple of months I can drop the rest of my baby weight. I've lost 30lbs, I've just got to get rid of the other 20lbs. Enough about my weight. My little Hadley is a chunky little monkey!! I love every single roll on her! She is so lovable and cuddly. Hadley is smiling and giggling all of the time. If I look at her while she's eating she'll get a big smile and then all the milk runs out of her mouth. So I try not to watch her too much while she's eating. Hadley is getting much stronger now and grasping tightly with her little hands. She has been sleeping through the night for about 3 weeks now. No interruptions! Lucky me! Hadley is just a joy to be around and I'm so glad to have her in my life!!


Terry said...

3 months already... I only thought soap opera kids grew that fast. I sure hope to meet here before she enters college. Love you all.

Sara said...

Those have to be the cutest pictures of the cutest baby ever. Hadley is so squishy and sweet. Good for you exercising. I haven't touched a gym since I got pregnant with Bella. Proud of you.