Friday, August 14, 2009


Riley is a huge fan of being outdoors. I try to take her down to the playground on a daily basis. Having the threat of Hurricane Felicia coming I made sure to get Riley outside today just in case we were trapped inside for the next couple of days. Of course today it was raining off and on, but the rain had stopped so I hurried up and got us down to the playground.
Riley is big enough now that she climbs up the ladder by herself and goes down the slide by herself. It's funny, I still think of her as a little baby, but she's so self sufficient.

I didn't think about the bottom of the slides having a puddle of water from the rain. So Riley got a wonderful surprise when she got to the bottom of the slide...a huge puddle of water. She thought it was the best thing in the world. She splashed around in the water and then tried to climb up the slide and slipped right back down because she was so wet. Laughter was all I heard! She turns into a mess every time she's outside so I wasn't even worried about it. As long as she's having fun!

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