Friday, February 13, 2009

Riley the Explorer

I'm beginning to think I let Riley watch too much of Dora the Explorer. I tell you, Riley is into everything now. Once she mastered her walking skill, Riley discovered that she can now open cabinets and drawers. Riley likes to take everything out of the drawers and then she'll put some of the things back into the drawer. She also enjoys taking all of the clothes(whether clean and folded or just plain dirty) out of the laundry baskets. Her latest and greatest discovery is the fact that she can flush the toilet! I try to always close the bathroom door, but sometimes I just forget. Of course that's not as bad as Trey leaving the toilet seat up and Riley wandering into the bathroom and putting her hand in the toilet! Oh the joys of having a toddler! Riley cracks me up with all that she's into now. I keep a watchful eye on her, but I also let her explore her surroundings.

And if your wondering why Riley doesn't have a shirt on- it's because she won't keep a bib on anymore and she makes a mess of herself, so I just take her shirt off. Then to top that off, Riley HATES to get dressed. Hence the reason she's topless!


Terry said...

More and more like Aunt Terry everyday. I'm naked as I'm typing this. haha

The Gunning Family said...

This must be a "Gunning" thing - remember Patrick at Riley's age? He spent the first several years of his life naked - poor Brian and Kevin were so jealous!!! Miss you! Love, Aunt Donna