Wednesday, February 4, 2009

9 Month Well Baby Check

Riley had her 9 month well baby check today. Our big girl is now 29in long and weighs 22lbs 4oz. She is in the 90-95% for both her height and weight. We definitely have a healthy girl on our hands! Her doctor was asking development questions and wanted to know if Riley was holding onto furniture and trying to move around on her feet. I chuckled a little! I told the doctor that Riley was walking on her own now. The doctor looked at me like I had 2 heads and said, "Ok, well show me that." Riley isn't a performer on demand. She likes to do things on her own terms, so I was praying she wouldn't make me look like an idiot! So I stood her on the floor and I went on the other side of the room. I was calling Riley over to me and she just stood there looking at me like I was crazy! After about 30 seconds Riley decided to come and get me, thank God! Her doctor was amazed and said that she is ahead of the game because walking is a 12 month milestone. So I was a pretty proud mom! After Riley showed off her walking skills the doctor informed me that I have to start weaning Riley off of her binky. The doc said by the time Riley is 1 she should no longer be using a binky. Yeah right! I think that's a bit rushed. We'll see. After Riley's exam she had to get her second dose of the flu shot and a finger stick. She wasn't fond of either needle stick. But I'm happy to report that Riley is a healthy girl!


Sara said...

Wean a binky already? I'd like to try weaning Addie from her finger and lovie! Ridiculous. I know plenty of two year olds with binky's. Maybe not all day long but definitely at nap time and for comfort. You're a great Mom Rachel, don't let the doctor get to you. Love, Sara

The Gunning Family said...

Rach, Sara's right! If her binky is a lovey let her have it! My kids had their's until their two year molars were in and then we started weaning. Trust me - show won't go to kindergarten with a binky in her mouth. And, don't worry about her teeth, either. A pediatric dentist told us as long as it was gone by the time they were three - don't worry about it! So, trust your instincts - you're a great mom and Riley looks really cute with her binky! Love you and miss you, Aunt Donna

Unknown said...

What did the doctor say when you told her that not only can Riley walk, she can also make a camaro into a T top?

Rachel said...

I agree with you both, Sara and Aunt Donna. I'm not weaning Riley off the binky yet. She only uses it when she's tired or not feeling well. Thanks for your support!!

And Justin, I laughed my butt off reading your comment! Your just a comedian, aren't you?