Thursday, October 2, 2008

Super Trooper

I had to take Riley to get her next round of shots on Tuesday. I was not looking forward to this at all. I just kept thinking about last time and how she cried for probably 20 minutes after the shots were over. Of course for the entire day prior to taking Riley for her immunizations I was completely anxious. I guess I just felt bad knowing what was coming and feeling guilty that my little sweet girl had no idea. Tuesday morning we got to the immunization office and signed in. I sat down and had Riley on my lap, bouncing her around as we waited for her turn. There was a little girl before Riley that was getting her shots. She was probably 4 years old. Well that little girl screamed so loud I think you guys back on the mainland might have heard her. Riley didn't like that sound. Her face was priceless. Riley jumped and grabbed onto my arms and just nuzzled her face into my chest. It was pretty funny. Next up was Riley. So I take her over to the chair and sit her in my lap. I pull up her dress so that her chunky thighs were showing. Her thighs got swabbed with the alcohol and then came the needles. She had to get 3 shots this time, 2 in the right thigh and 1 in the left thigh. I just held her as tight as I could. After the first shot Riley was crying. Then shot number 2 came and she got louder. And even louder with shot number 3. After her bandaids were put on, I put her binky in her mouth and gave her a big hug and kiss. As soon as that happened Riley was fine. I was amazed at how well she did and how quickly she calmed down. Her crocadile tears only lasted for a couple of moments this time. Riley is one brave little soldier! I was so proud of her. I was also glad to find out that her next immunization isn't until January! What a relief for me!

I always hear how grouchy babies are after their shots. So I am always expecting the worse for the rest of the day after Riley's shots. I'm one lucky mom because Riley has always been in a great mood afterwards. We got home and Riley was giggly and just as happy as could be. We played outside for quite awhile and just enjoyed the rest of our afternoon without any crankiness. Riley's such a good little girl. I'm such a lucky mom!

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