Friday, October 24, 2008

Only Teething

I am happy to report that Riley doesn't have an ear infection. My instincts were wrong! The doctor said that her ears are bothering her due to the fact that she's teething. I was pretty relieved to hear there was no ear infection. Riley has been in a better mood the past two days. Last night she slept the whole night, which I greatly appreciated! She seems to be getting back to her giggly little self. Riley still has her moments, but what else would you expect from a baby who is teething. The doctor gave her some more tylenol because we ran out. Hopefully this darn tooth will come through and give my girl some relief until the next tooth starts to cut through.

Here are Riley's 6 month stats: 27.4 inches(90-95%) and 20.1 lbs(97%, almost off the chart). When Riley is standing she holds onto the sofa and balances herself. I think she'll walk before she crawls...she's ready to go! Actually, she'll probably be crawling within the next month or so. She got up on her hands and knees the other day and started rocking. So I'm sure the crawling is coming soon! Time to start baby proofing the house!

1 comment:

The Gunning Family said...


You should always trust your instincts - better to check it out then to assume you are wrong! You're a great mom! Hope Riley's teeth pop through soon! Love you and miss you... Aunt Donna