Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beautiful Skies

I can't help but laugh when I'm talking to family on Skype. It's so funny to see everybody(except Justin and Sara) in their nice warm sweaters. I watch the Today show in the morning and see how everyone is all bundled up in scarves and gloves and how cold it's getting back home. Then I walk outside in my tank top and flip flops and enjoy our nice 85 degree weather. It's funny to me because at night it hasn't even dropped below 70 and all of you probably have to warm your car up in the morning because it's dropped into the 30's or 40's. In a way I miss feeling that crisp, cold air. But then again it's nice to never have to watch the weather and just know I'll be fine throwing on a tank and capris.
It's been rainy here lately. However, last night when Riley and I were going on our walk I got to see a beautiful sky. The sun was setting and the clouds just looked glorious! I had to run back inside to grab my camera so that I could share our view with all of you. It's the sights like this sky that make me feel better about being so far away from family and friends. Trey and I have been getting a little bit of island fever and sadly it's only been 4 months. So I'm taking advantage of these gorgeous moments and I am going to soak them up for the next 3 years.

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