Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today was a pretty chill day.  We let Emrey take her morning nap, which she'd been missing.  Then we grabbed some lunch and had a picnic at Moanalua Gardens.  After we ate, the girls ran over to feed the koi.  Emrey was pretty much ready to dive into the pond.  I gave Kiki the duty of watching her, or rather holding onto her(tight)!!  Mr Kevin just sat back and took in the beauty and peacefulness of this place.  It really is pretty and quite calming.  

After a nice afternoon and naps we all went to Schooners for dinner.  It was actually suggested by Riley.  She said, "Hey Po, since you aren't watching golf anymore, how about we eat at the boat place for dinner."  It was hysterical.  She was upset that we didn't stay and eat there on Father's Day and wanted to go back.  It was a lovely suggestion!  We got to enjoy a nice dinner with a great backdrop of mountains, water, and sail boats.  

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