Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo

As many of you already know, Trey got his braces put on this past Friday. At age 24 he is finally getting the straight teeth he's always wanted thanks to the Navy! I don't think he fully understood what having braces entailed. Trey is still adjusting to the mouth soreness, the food stuck in the braces, the cutting of his gums. The poor thing hasn't even experienced the worst of it yet! Now I get to call him fun names like train tracks, metal mouth or brace face, so it makes it fun for me! The downside to Trey's braces is the fact that in about 6 months they are taking his braces off and breaking is jaw to realign his teeth. Don't ask me because I'm not 100% sure about the situation. From what I understand is that using rubber bands won't work because his mouth is fully matured. So as a result he has to get his jaw broken! Trey will be out of work for 60 days which he is looking forward to. I'm dreading hearing about all of the pain he'll be in! But don't worry I'll keep you all posted when the time comes! No pain, no gain!


Unknown said...

Did you tell him they're going to have to go in through the top of his skull to break his jaw?

Glad my tax dollars will be helping your husband get straight teeth AND keep him paid for 60 days of no work.

I kid, I kid- I'm pretty sure I saw a line item in the Fiscal Stimulus plan that was something like "Getting Trey's teeth straight"- so it's cool.


Rachel said...

Well we are glad our tax dollars are paying for you and your family to go back home for almost a month! I guess it's an even enjoy family while we enjoy Trey's straight teeth!! Love you!

Terry said...

Hey Rach,
Do you get to help in the breaking of Trey's jaw? There is a Santa Claus. hoho
XOXO, Terry