Monday, October 10, 2011

A Long Time Coming

 Trey, the girls, and I made a trip to Maryland last month.  The main reason for our visit there was to see my brother, Justin, sister-in-law, Sara, and our nieces, Addie and Bella.  They have been living in the Philippines for the last three years and are moving to Ethiopia soon for the next two years.  This was our chance to have our nieces meet our daughters!  It didn't take long for Riley and Addie to start playing together.  They had to feel each other out, but became friendly rather quickly.  Bella and Hadley were both all over the place!  That's what you get with two year olds!  Both Addie and Bella were amused with Emrey.  It was so nice to see how loving they were with her, especially since they have a new sister on the way!  

I was super excited to introduce Emrey to her Uncle Justin and Aunt Sara.  Emrey was all smiles with both of them!  It made me so happy to see her in both of their arms.  It's hard sometimes being so far away from your family when you have babies.  You just want them to know all of their family.  Thank goodness for skype!

I had a great day getting to know Addie and Bella!  They are the best nieces an aunt could ask for!  It really was priceless to see all of the girls together.  Finally, the cousins get to play together!!!

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