Thursday, June 2, 2011

One Good Shot, Please!

After our fun in Waikiki, I decided to try for some good sister shots at home.  Anyone with three kids(or more) knows this isn't an easy task.  It actually wasn't the easiest with two kids, but add another to the mix and it's a whole new adventure.  I tried!  Here are some of the results:

 (I know this first one isn't of all three, but my mom took this picture and it was cute with both Riley and Emrey flashing a smile!)

A solo shot of Emrey!
This one is my fave(I think)!


Elyse said...

It is so hard to get a good shot with three. I have been trying for 17 months now and I am pretty sure I only have 1 or 2 decent shots where everyone is actually looking in the same direction...forget getting everyone to smile. :)
You have three beautiful girls there Rachel!!!

Terry said...

I love that Emery seems to always be in polka dots. The girls can't take a bad photo, must be the camera.