Saturday, June 11, 2011

Another Five Years

 Yesterday was a very important day for our family.  It was Trey's reenlistment ceremony.  He chose to reenlist on the USS Missouri.  I was very excited for the ceremony except for the fact that it was scheduled for 7am.  It was the only time available to have the ceremony and Trey really wanted to reenlist on the Missouri, so 7am it was!  All I kept thinking was how am I going to get myself and three kids ready to go and be out the door by 6:30am.  I don't know how, but I got us all ready with about 5 minutes to spare.  The girls were all in good moods, which surprised me since I had to wake Riley & Hadley up early.  

Before Trey reenlisted he was discharged from the Navy first.  He gave a short but sweet speech after being discharged.  He thanked me and the girls for being so supportive and loving him through everything.  I definitely teared up, but kept myself together.

 After being discharged came reenlistment time.  No turning back now!  Trey reenlisted for five more years.  Hopefully it won't be a long five years because Trey is back on sea duty.  I'd like for these years to go by fast!  We will be in Hawai'i for another three years and then the future is unknown!  I'm so proud of Trey for reenlisting and providing a great life for us! 

We tried for some family shots, but as you probably know it's a challenge!  We couldn't get Riley & Hadley to look at the camera.  Riley was being terribly shy.  I think there were about 10 pictures of us taken.  Here are a couple for you to enjoy!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Way to go Trey!!!!