Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Baby Story

I know that this is a little late, but with Trey and I both having our moms here and getting adjusted to having two kids I haven't been able to keep up with the blog as much as I'd like. With that being said I just figured I would tell the tale of my labor day.
It all started Friday night, Nov.19th, when I couldn't sleep because I was having contractions that were about 20 minutes apart. They didn't hurt too badly, but they were annoying enough to keep me awake. Saturday morning I got up when Riley did at about 7:30am and went downstairs and had breakfast and watched cartoons with my mom and Riley. I was still having contractions and at this point they were about 8 to 10 minutes apart. The contractions were also getting more intense. I just knew that this was the day I was going to have Hadley. Around 1pm my contractions were 5 minutes apart and so we decided it was time to head to the hospital. Trey dropped Riley off at our neighbor Abbey's house and then Trey, my mom, and I headed to Tripler Hospital. We get to Tripler and head to labor and delivery. They put me in a room to do a "labor check" before admitting me. I get hooked up so they can monitor Hadley's heart rate and my contractions. After 20 minutes of being monitored the doctor comes in and says that I'm 5 cm dilated and seem to be handling my contractions well. She proceeded to tell me that I wasn't in active labor. I wanted to cry. My contractions were definitely painful, I was 5cm dilated and ready for an epidural and the damn doctor sent me home. My mom, Trey and I were all in shock. I was even more floored that the dr. couldn't give me an answer on when I should come back to the hospital. Pretty much the answer was when my water broke. I kept asking, "but what if my water doesn't break?" So I got dressed and waddled myself out of the hospital and went home.
Once we got home Trey went and picked up Riley. He brought her home and noticed that Riley had red dots on her cheeks and back. She had these for a couple of days, but Trey just noticed. He was certain that they were the chicken pox. I had called the doctor and was told it was probably just a rash and could be from her cutting her molars. Trey didn't want to take any chances with a new baby on the way so he took Riley to the ER to get her checked. During those 2 hours I was having super strong contractions that were getting closer and closer together. They were finally 2 minutes apart and hurting like a biotch. Trey and Riley got home and it was time to go back to the hospital. So my mom drove me to the hospital while Trey got Riley bathed and over to Erika's house to spend the night. I forgot to mention that Riley didn't have the chicken was just a rash! I was right!! After Trey got Riley over to Erika's he headed to the hospital where I was still in the "labor check" room. After 20 minutes the same doctor that sent me home told me that I was being admitted and was in active labor. Praise the Lord!! I got into my room, got checked in, and then got my epidural. Ouch! I don't recall having my epidural hurt with Riley and this time it hurt like no other. I can't even describe it. Once I got the epidural my blood pressure dropped significantly and I started shaking like crazy. It was a little scary because I didn't have that reaction last time. They gave me some meds and my blood pressure came up and after awhile I finally stopped shaking. Now we were just waiting for me to feel pressure down below so I could start pushing. It was 11:30pm and I buzzed the nurse to tell her I felt pressure. She checked me and could see Hadley's head. So she paged the doctors and a whole team of people came charging into my room within seconds. I seriously felt like I had an audience in the room. I guess I pushed for about 5 minutes and Hadley graced us with her entrance into the world at 11:39pm weighing 8lbs 2.9oz and 18in long. It was amazing!!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Great Story!
Thanks for sending your mom back.
Love You,