Monday, February 21, 2011

No More Waiting

When we found out that we would be staying in Hawaii for another three years I immediately made an appointment with the housing office so that we could get on the waiting list for a four bedroom home.  I guess we could stay in our three bedroom home, but why not get a bigger place?  When I went to my appointment a few weeks ago I was told that it would be at least a six month wait.  I was expecting that because that's what I was told the last time we moved.  When we moved into the house we are currently living in we only had to wait for two weeks before we got our phone call that there was a house available.  So of course this time I was keeping my fingers crossed that we wouldn't have to wait too long.  I really wanted to be into our new house before our new bundle arrives.  All I kept thinking was that we were going to be offered a house and it would be right when I was getting ready to have the baby.  Much to my surprise we got a phone call last week informing us that they had a house available for us.  And it turns out that it's four doors down from where we live right now.  It's nice because we won't have to rent a U-Haul and our new address will only change by one number.  We will be moving March 17th, which is a Thursday, and have to be completely out of our current house by that Monday.  That means lots of cleaning will be taking place that weekend which I'm not really looking forward to.  We were thinking about just paying the fee to have someone come in after we move to clean the house, but why spend $275 when we can clean it ourselves.  If it was only $100 I'd probably pay it, but considering we have to have the carpets professionally steam cleaned I don't want to spend any unnecessary money.  If anyone would like to come and visit us and join in on our fun moving weekend, please feel free!!  I'm already looking forward to being done with the move, having everything cleaned and put away.  However, I've got a lot of packing to do before I can even start thinking about being settled in our new house.  I definitely feel blessed that the move will be done before baby girl #3 enters our lives!


Sara said...

how nice, it's going to be so spacious for your big family! Congrats.

Terry said...

When can you pick me up from the airport?