Thursday, July 10, 2008

We Made It to Hawaii

Well it's been quite an exciting past few months. Trey and I welcomed our baby girl, Riley, into the world on April 22. It was such a great moment when I first saw her...after 19 hours of labor! Trey doesn't handle hospitals well, so thank the lord my mom was there to coach me through the pain! We brought Riley home to our quaint one bedroom apartment. It was just a tad congested in that poor place.
However, due to Trey's new orders to Hawaii our apartment was being packed out one month after we got home from the hospital. So since Trey still had to work, Riley and I traveled to MD! Riley got to experience her first road trip, and she did marvelous! We spent two weeks in MD saying our goodbyes to family and friends. It was a fun time and I'm so glad that Riley got to meet so many people that love her.
After MD we flew to St Louis to experience another round of goodbyes with Trey's family. I was a little nervous flying with Riley being that she wasn't even 2 months old yet. We flew southwest and Trey walked us all the way to the back of the plane(I mean very last row) so we wouldn't bother anybody. Riley did such a great job, right up until she spit her pacifier out and it fell behind the seat and I couldn't reach it. Luckily the flight attendant got down on his knees and reached behind the seats and saved the day. He got some hot water so we could clean the binky! Meanwhile, Trey is trying to calm a screaming baby while getting mean mugged from tons of the passengers! But once Riley got her clean binky the world was a better place! We had a great time in St Louis and will miss everyone dearly!
So after 2 weeks in St Louis we hopped on our flight to take us to our new home, Hawaii! Our layover was in LA, and oh my goodness, that place is crazy. Trey and I couldn't wait to get onto the next plane. It was nice because the Navy bought Riley her own ticket so we got an extra seat. This helped when we had to change her diaper because we just layed her in the middle seat. Much easier! We arrived in Honolulu after a 12 hour travel day. It was 2am where we came from and only 8pm in Hawaii. My poor Riley didn't know what she was supposed to, sleep, or play! It was a long night to say the least.
Anyway, we are now in our military housing. It's so nice being in a home that has 2 bedrooms and a dining room and more than one bathroom...we didn't have that on Ocean View! Plus, Trey gets his garage. I don't think he could be happier! Our furniture just got here Monday, so I'm busy unloading boxes, putting everything away, and lots of laundry! It's beautiful here in Hawaii. I promise there will be pictures to follow. I just wanted to get this blog started for all of my family that told me I was to start one of these here you are!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Riley is adorable and we can't wait to meet her in August. We miss all of you. I'm so glad we will be able to see pictures frequently on your blog!

Love, Sara