Friday, April 27, 2012

April Fools

First, I'd like to apologize for my lack of blogging.  I've had my hands full lately.  Especially because I've been watching my neighbors one year old little boy along with my three little ladies.  So, I've not had really any down time to keep you all updated.  I'm now attempting to get everyone caught up.  Of course, most of you probably already know about this!

It was April 1st and I had planned a date for Trey and I.  He leaves in May for deployment and we never get any time to ourselves.  I knew we needed some "us" time so I asked our friends Sara & Daniel if they would watch our girls for us so that we could catch a movie.  Sara insisted that we get dinner too.  So after Hadley and Emrey woke from their afternoon naps I took the girls down to Sara's house so Trey & I could enjoy some time to ourselves.  Sara told me not to bother calling and checking in, just turn my phone off.  I assured her that I wasn't going to call, but if she needed anything just to call me.  She has a little girl, who just turned 3 and a little boy who is about 4 months old.  So I felt a little bad throwing 3 more kids on her, but she really wanted to watch them for us.  

Trey and I went to see 21 Jump Street.  I loved it and was hysterically laughing throughout the movie.  Afterwards we had dinner at Gordon Biersch.  We love that place.  We sat out on the patio and enjoyed the gorgeous evening weather.  I was enjoying my delicious steak medallions until a gecko came out of the plants we were sitting next to and jumped on my steak.  I literally screamed and jumped out of my chair.  I was the crazy lady in the restaurant screaming, "there's a gecko on my steak!"  Poor Trey has to deal with my craziness!  Trey got the gecko off my plate and I was done with my dinner.  I pretty much lost my appetite after that!  Trey ordered dessert to go because we had left the girls for about 4 hours and didn't want to burden our friends too much longer.  As we are leaving dinner I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed call from Sara.  I knew that wasn't good.  I called her back and she said that Riley had fallen and hurt herself.  Riley was hysterically crying.  Sara said she thinks she might have hurt her neck.  Riley can tend to be a slight drama queen when it comes to her getting hurt, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  Sara had said she was playing on the sofa and fell.  

When we got to Sara's Riley was laying down on a chair, covered in a blanket, with tears pouring down her face.  I asked her where it hurt and she couldn't even talk.  Trey grabbed her and took her outside to scold her for not listening to adults and playing on furniture.  Daniel & Sara said not to get upset with her because they were concerned she was really hurt.  We walked home and got the girls ready for bath and bed.  Riley was screaming as I got her undressed.  I knew something was broken.  It wasn't Riley over exaggerating, she was truly hurt.  Trey suggested we wait until the morning to see how she was feeling.  I gave her some Tylenol and put her into bed.  I couldn't sleep thinking about her and knowing I should've just taken her to the ER.  Riley woke up around 3:30am in pain and crying.  I jumped out of bed, threw on clothes, and took her to the ER.  

We got checked in, triage, and then I walked her down to get her first set of X-rays.  Not an easy thing to do with a tired and hurting 3 year old.  Especially with how they wanted her to hold her arm up.  My  poor little princess.  She was a super trooper though.  After X-rays we got to go back into a room and she laid down.  I could tell she was nervous with the tears that were just running down her face.  She was breaking my heart.  Luckily a nurse made her happy by bringing a pink popsicle for her.  We were informed that her collarbone was broken and then the orthopedic doctor wanted more X-rays to decide if surgery would be necessary.  My heart sank at that news.  Surgery??  Somebody was going to need to medicate me.  I walked Riley back to X-ray and tried to keep her calm.  She didn't want anymore X-rays, but, again, was a trooper.  She just kept telling me she wanted to go home and go to bed.  We finished with the X-rays and went back to her hospital bed where I finally got her to fall asleep.  

After about an hour of waiting I was informed she wouldn't be getting surgery.  Praise the Lord!  Now we just had to wait for a sling to fit her little arm.  She's still in her sling now, but we go see the orthopedic doctor on Monday afternoon.  Hopefully we will hear that everything is healed perfectly!  

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