Monday, July 27, 2009

Power Wheels

Trey and I decided to take Riley to the store on Saturday to get her some new toys. I really wanted to get her one of those flinstone cars that she can move around in using her feet. However, last time we were at Target they didn't have any and the NEX didn't have any this time. We let Riley walk around and look at all the different toys to see if anything would catch her eye.
Apparently something pink caught the eye of this 15 month old!! When Riley laid her eyes on this pink mustang she didn't want to leave. And so daddy said well if that's what my baby wants then that's what she'll get! It's rather amusing because Riley can't even reach the gas pedal yet. She needs to grow about 4 or 5 more inches. But she sits in that car and turns the steering wheel and turns on the music and honks the horn. Riley is thinking she's hot stuff!! She'll probably be driving by November/December time frame. Just in time for her take Kennedy for a spin!


Sara said...

Like Father, like daughter. She's so darn cute I can't stand it. Love you guys!

Terry said...

OMG! Her new nickname is "Mustang Barbie". Tooooo Cute.
XOXO, Auntie Terry