Thursday, November 24, 2011


So, not only did Trey miss Hadley's birthday, but he's also missing Thanksgiving with us this year.  This is another bummer, especially because Thanksgiving is one of Trey's favorite holidays!  The good news is that he's not alone, he spent his holiday with a friend and his family this year.  The girls and I also got to spend Thanksgiving with friends.  It was nice not to have to celebrate the holiday alone.  We went over to our neighbors house and enjoyed a yummy turkey dinner with a house full of friends.  Everybody brought food to eat so there was plenty to go around.  We all ate until we couldn't eat anymore.  I even attempted to drink a glass of wine with my dinner.  After two sips I was feeling all hot and sweaty, I couldn't drink anymore.  Apparently, my alcohol free body I've had for the last 4 years couldn't handle the wine!  The kids had fun spending the afternoon with their friends.  I asked Riley what she was most thankful for and she responded with "my mommy and daddy."  Ahhh, I love her!!  She made me tear up a bit with that response.  

I am thankful for my husband, three daughters, our home, our health, and all of my family and friends.  I am a lucky lady and have so much to be grateful for!

1 comment:

Terry said...

Happy Holidays Rachel.