I scheduled my appointment early in the morning so that Hadley would be napping for most of the time I was gone. I didn't want to have to worry that she was driving her daddy crazy. Hadley is a tough little cookie to handle and is normally only satisfied if I'm in her sight. I showed up to my appointment about ten minutes early and since I was Vincent's first appointment he took me right away. I was super excited because that lead to an extra long shampoo! I always get a head massage when I go for my haircut and I could seriously just sit there all day. It was so very relaxing. I almost fell asleep until Vincent started asking how the kids were doing. What? I don't want to talk about the kids, I'm enjoying time to myself which doesn't happen often. Then it was time for the hair to be cut. I was sure to inform Vincent I wasn't a fan of the bangs he gave me last time so we needed to let them grow. The bangs he gave me last time were the biggest pain in my ass. I couldn't stand them and had to wear bobby pins everyday to keep them out of my eyes. They were those stylish bangs that swept across your face diagonally. But every time I blinked my eyelashes touched my bangs. I couldn't stand it! Vincent always takes his time cutting my hair. So after an hour and a half I was finished. I felt so completely refreshed. My poor hair was in desperate need of that cut. It is actually a little shorter than I was expecting, but I still love it. I think Vincent knows I don't get to the salon very often so he better cut it short so it will last awhile!!
As I was leaving the salon I looked at my phone and saw I had 2 missed calls from Trey. I also noticed that I missed these calls 20 minutes into my appointment. Uh-oh was the first thing that came to my mind. So I call Trey to find out what was the matter. He called to tell me that Riley had a poopy diaper. I'm not really quite sure what I was going to do for him seeing that I was getting my hair done! That's my husband for you! Is it bad that I enjoyed the fact Trey had to change a poopy diaper?? I seriously change 2 a day. So there is no sympathy for him when he has to change 1 a year! Thanks Trey for changing your daughters poopy diaper! Such a good daddy!
Great Post. Your hair looks great.
Doesn't a diaper a year quailify Trey for father of the year?
Your hair looks great! I love that cut on you and I'm not sure I could picture anything else! Too funny about the poopy diapers. Justin always gets the poppy ones on the weekends. Every time he says it's the worse poop he's seen!
Sorry I did one of those double posts where the comment is on their twice.
Why is it that the guys think every poopy diaper is the worst they've ever seen? And the majority of the time it's the easiest diaper to clean!
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