No worries, I'm not hitting the bottle...it's Hadley!! I'm thrilled to announce that Hadley is taking a bottle. This is a big deal to me because I never got Riley to take a bottle. The problem was that we bought a crappy breast pump that didn't pump any milk for me. And I knew I wasn't the problem because Riley was gaining plenty of weight. So by the time we got a nice
Medela breast pump Riley was about 7 mos. old and refused to take a bottle. This time around I am able to pump and introduce a bottle to Hadley. The first bottle I gave her was a Playtex brand and it made Hadley gag. So I was thinking she wasn't going to take a bottle. Then I remembered I had a sample bottle from
Avent, so I tried that one. Hadley took that bottle like a champ and sucked it dry!! This totally excited me because now I'll be able to leave Hadley with friends so that Trey and I can go out or I can go out and have "me" time! Of course I don't even know what I would do with "me" time it's been so long!
Hadley is growing like a weed! Her adorable baby rolls are coming in quite nicely. She's doing well sleeping at night. Hadley is normally in bed around 8:30-9'oclock-ish and wakes up around 3am for a feeding and diaper change and then sleeps until between 7 and 8am.

Oh, and let me just add that it's nice to finally hear the words "she looks just like you." I never minded the fact that Riley looks like Trey. But I've never experienced the joy of hearing that my baby looks like me until just recently and I LIKE IT!!!
Rachel, your girls are definitely sisters but I do see you in Hadley so much more! So funny how our second looks like Justin and your second looks like you! I'm so glad you get to hear those words. I bet you are so proud! P.S. way to go on the bottle. Pumping is a huge time suck and pain but the relief of getting away is worth it.
The latest"Cheetah Girl". Adorable.
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