My how time flies! It's hard to believe that a month has passed since Hadley was born. I had to take her to the doctor today for her 4 week weight check. I never had to do that with Riley, but I guess every doctor is different. I'm pleased to announce that Hadley has gained more weight and is now weighing in at 10lbs 13.2oz. She was born at 8lbs 2.9oz and came home from the hospital at 7lbs 11oz. So
obviously my milk is doing well for Hadley! It's so nice to see the adorable baby rolls coming in on Hadley's legs and arms. I love when babies have those rolls, I just want to eat them up! Hadley is becoming more and more alert every day. She looks all over the place with her big old blue eyes and is following voices. Before I know it she'll be 1, so I'm savoring every moment!

1 comment:
What an angel. Is it me, or is she starting to look a little like you?
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