Riley and I headed to the pool this afternoon to enjoy the nice, hot 88 degree weather. I packed Riley up in her stroller and walked to our community pool only to find that it's closed every Monday for maintenance. Go figure! So then I decided to just pack Riley up in the car and drive to our old community pool. If you are a mom than you know what a hassle it is to get your child ready to go into the sun. After all the
sun screening and such I was making sure we got to a pool. Riley is so fearless when it comes to the water. That is so good in a way and then in another way it makes me nervous. I'm think when she's 2 we should get her into swim lessons. I think that would make me feel much more comfortable. I couldn't get any shots of Riley at the pool being that I was by myself. So I figured a few bathing suit shots in the house would suffice!

Riley and Addie are going to have to have a face-off for the HAM award! Too cute.
"Miss June, July and August"
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