Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Keiki Time
Monday, June 29, 2009
Daddy's Home!
Riley and I picked Trey up from the airport on Saturday evening. It was so nice to have him home. Riley was super excited to see her daddy! I think she was glad to have her rough housing daddy home. Trey normally takes over play time during the evening and the two of them just wrestle around. Too bad for Riley the past 3 weeks she didn't really get any of that type of play. It wears me out way too quickly and it's not the easiest thing for me to throw a 25lb girl around! Riley definitely couldn't get enough attention from her daddy on Saturday night. I went to give her a bath and her little naked butt went running down the hall to her daddy. Trey had to put her in the tub because I couldn't get her in there. Sunday morning Riley woke up at her usual time of 6 am. Trey said to bring her in the bed with us, so I did. Riley nuzzled her head under her daddy's chin and held my hand and passed out for another hour. I couldn't believe my eyes. I have tried every morning to have her fall asleep for a little longer in bed and she just jumped up and down. I was thrilled that I got to sleep until 7am. Plus it was the sweetest thing to see Riley all cuddled up with Trey. Things are back to normal now and it's so nice to have my husband back!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Getting Big
Everyday it seems like Riley is growing. She is now able to get herself on her little car and move it by herself. She goes up and down the stairs like a champ. I now have to make sure that anything on the counter is pushed back all the way or else Riley gets up on her tippy toes and pulls whatever it is down. She still isn't saying very many words, but she says mama, dada, hi, who dat and a few other things. Riley is also noticing how my stomach is growing and is always fascinated to see my belly. I ask her where is mommy's new baby and she points to my belly. She's a smart cookie! She's also at the point where she likes to test the water to see what she can get away with. I have to tell her no about 5 times before she believes that I'm serious. I think we might be entering the terrible two's a year early. But I'd rather get it out of the way now! Riley is still a blast to be around even though she has her moments. I love her more and more everyday. And I can't wait for Trey to come home tomorrow so Riley can stop screaming "da da" through the house all day long!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Unfortunately Trey is not home for this Father's Day. But we just want him to know that Riley and I are both thinking about him and love him a lot!! We'll celebrate on Saturday when daddy comes home!! We also want to wish Poppy, Po, Grandpa, Great Grandpa Prewitt, and Uncle Justin a Happy Father's Day too!
We miss you Trey!! Happy Father's Day!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fun in the Sun
16 Weeks
Here is a tummy shot of me at 16 weeks and a few days. Once Trey gets back into town I won't have to resort taking my picture in the mirror so that I can show you all my tummy updates. My belly is growing. I must say it's growing much faster than the first time. The funny thing is I've only gained 5 pounds. I'm pretty sure all of my eating is going to catch up to me. I am constantly hungry and constantly eating. However, my snacking mainly consists of oranges, apples, and grapes. At my visit to the doctor this past Thursday I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which was strong at 156 bpm. I asked my doctor about the old wives tale of the faster the heart beats it's a girl theory. My doctor said the heartbeat has absolutely nothing at all to do with the sex of the baby. Yes, Trey and I are going to find out the sex of the baby. We get to find out on July 9th, as long as the baby doesn't have it's legs crossed! Trey and I have picked out names for both a girl and a boy. However, I am hesitant to announce the name choices because I don't want to hear every one's difference of opinion. But, once we find out for sure if it's a boy or a girl I'm sure that I'll announce the name. We love our name choices and I think that's all that matters! Any guesses on what the sex of the baby will be? I'll keep you posted! Only 3 and a half more weeks until we know!! Yeah!!
In Her Shoes
Sunday, June 14, 2009
One Week Down...Two to Go
So Trey left last Sunday morning to fly to San Diego for 3 weeks of training for work. It was pretty crappy news when we found out considering we had just been away from each other for 2 weeks and only got one week together before he had to leave again. We actually were looking into flights so that Riley and I could fly out to CA and spend the 3 weeks with him, but the flights were around $800. Absolutely ridiculous!! Needless to say, Riley and I have stayed in Hawaii. It's only been a week and Trey is bored out of his mind. He likes to keep busy and when you are by yourself in a hotel room there really isn't much to keep you occupied. Trey has gone out exploring the city and see a few movies, but is totally ready to come home. My favorite part is hearing him complain about the cold 65 degree weather and how he didn't pack any winter clothes!
While he's been gone Riley and I have been on a quest to find me a maternity bathing suit. Well let me tell you, that is no easy task. I went to Old Navy...nothing. I went to Target...if I fit XXL or S then I'd be in luck. I went to Motherhood Maternity...it's unfortunate that they didn't have the mix and match that actually matched. Motherhood did have a cute suit on sale for $20 but I needed a larger bottom and couldn't find it in me to secretly switch the sizes. Anyway...after 1 week of driving around the island to find a darn bathing suit I found one at a Motherhood Maternity outlet. Praise the Lord!! Riley and I also went to a cry baby matinee to see the movie UP! It was a really cute movie and sad at the same time. It was nice to get out to a movie though and be able to take Riley without worrying if my child is going to bother anyone. The cry baby matinee is set up for moms to take their babies and kids to the movies and not hear anyone complain about their child making noise. It was a fun outing. Riley didn't pay much attention to the movie, but we both enjoyed ourselves.
Now Riley and I have 2 more weeks to keep ourselves occupied without Trey/daddy here. What will we get into this week?
While he's been gone Riley and I have been on a quest to find me a maternity bathing suit. Well let me tell you, that is no easy task. I went to Old Navy...nothing. I went to Target...if I fit XXL or S then I'd be in luck. I went to Motherhood Maternity...it's unfortunate that they didn't have the mix and match that actually matched. Motherhood did have a cute suit on sale for $20 but I needed a larger bottom and couldn't find it in me to secretly switch the sizes. Anyway...after 1 week of driving around the island to find a darn bathing suit I found one at a Motherhood Maternity outlet. Praise the Lord!! Riley and I also went to a cry baby matinee to see the movie UP! It was a really cute movie and sad at the same time. It was nice to get out to a movie though and be able to take Riley without worrying if my child is going to bother anyone. The cry baby matinee is set up for moms to take their babies and kids to the movies and not hear anyone complain about their child making noise. It was a fun outing. Riley didn't pay much attention to the movie, but we both enjoyed ourselves.
Now Riley and I have 2 more weeks to keep ourselves occupied without Trey/daddy here. What will we get into this week?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wrapping it Up!
I could write for days about my trip to MD, but I don't have the energy to do it. Riley and I had a blast visiting with my family and friends. We got to enjoy a spaghetti dinner with the Gunning side of the family(sorry no photos, Riley was in a mood that night), a cookout with Miss Kathy's family, and lunch with the Gast ladies(by the way, Aunt Leslie if you are reading this could you please email me the pic from lunch)! Our 2 weeks spent in MD went by so fast, perhaps too fast. Living so far away makes me appreciate all of my family and friends that much more. I know it's probably going to be awhile before we make it back to the mainland, but I won't soon forget all the fun times we had on this trip. And I was thinking that since Riley and I made the crazy long trip to MD it's everyone else's turn to make the trip to Hawaii. I must say myself, it's much prettier in Hawaii!! Plus, you don't have to deal with the freezing cold, rainy, 60 degree days. I promise it doesn't drop below 70!! Thank you to everyone for making our trip so enjoyable!! We love you all!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Visiting Friends
Bad Habit
My lovely mother was wonderful enough to teach Riley how to go up and down the stairs. Now, before we went to MD Riley wouldn't dare go up or down the stairs. Even if there wasn't a gate she stayed away from the stairs because it was a "no no." To keep Riley entertained while I was showering and getting ready, Kiki used the stairs! Wonderful! Riley had a good old time going up and down the stairs with Kiki. Kiki was always with Riley though when she would go near the stairs so that no accidents would happen. Of course one day while Kiki was still at work and Riley and I were playing downstairs Riley climbed up the steps in the blink of an eye. As I went to go get her she came tumbling down the stairs. Needless to say Kiki was in big trouble!! Riley definitely got freaked out by the fall and didn't go near the stairs again unless someone was holding her! Thank goodness for that! Don't worry mom...we still love you! Your a great grandma!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Woofs and Whiskers
Riley and I went and visited Aunt Terry at her fabulous pet boutique in Annapolis. Riley got to run around the store and pet all the dogs that Aunt Terry was watching in the store that day. I was surprised at how well she did with the larger dogs. But Riley did prefer when they were lying down so she could walk up to them and pet them.
Crushing on Uncle Tyler
Cooking With Kiki
Picnic at Downs Park
Next Set of New Faces
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Back In the Mainland!
As soon as we landed in Phoenix I stopped in the restroom to freshen up Riley and relieve my poor bladder! I wanted to stop to get us something to eat, but our plane was already boarding so I had to book it all the way to the other side of the airport. As I'm walking to our seat I see that we are in the middle and next to an extremely large woman. All I could think was "this is going to be a looooonnng flight!" I couldn't even put the armrest down because the woman next to me wouldn't have enough room. Then the woman started coughing and told me how she wasn't sick she just had asthma. Great! Then I get to meet the person sitting to the left of me. A tall man weighing in at probably 300lbs. I had officially entered hell. Thank God a flight attendant came over and asked if I'd like to move seats. I was so tired I wasn't really sure what she was asking me. She grabbed my carry ons for me and told me to follow her. Riley and I wound up sitting in the first row, right behind first class. The seats were bigger and we had loads of leg room. Enough room that Riley could stand up and stretch out for awhile. That flight attendant deserves a nice spot in heaven. Riley did excellent on this flight as well, probably due to the seat change!
Once we landed in Baltimore my mom met Riley and I down in baggage claim. Riley at first had her shy face on, but after awhile warmed up to her Kiki. Once we got to my moms Riley got to meet Po. Again, it took her a little bit to warm up to him, but then she was on the floor playing with Kiki and Po. Mr. Kevin soon learned that even though she was playing with him it wasn't time to pick her up yet! It was so nice seeing mom and Mr. Kevin. I know they were in seventh heaven having Riley under their roof!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New House
I know it's been awhile since I've blogged, but I've been a busy lady! We moved into our new house on May 8th and it pretty much took the whole weekend to get EVERYTHING moved out of the old place and into the new place. Trey rented a U-Haul and his friend Mike helped him move all of the heavy furniture out. Trey pretty much did the rest by himself. Well Trey had to carry all of the boxes out that I had packed because they were way too heavy for this pregnant lady to be carrying. But I did manage to help move smaller things out. After getting everything into the new house we had the lovely chore of cleaning the old house and prepping it for inspection. If the house wasn't cleaned properly we would've had to pay an enormous amount of money to have a company come in and do it right. So, lucky me, we spent 3 hours on mother's day completely scrubbing out the old house. Let me tell you, I was one happy lady when we walked out of there. I started getting nauseous from all of the cleaning fumes. I am happy to report that the house passed inspection!
So after the whole cleaning chore and inspection was over we were officially in our new home. It felt really good. Except now comes the chore of unpacking all of the boxes and getting everything organized. I literally had less than a week because Riley and I were leaving that Sunday night to fly to MD to visit with family. And Trey was leaving Monday for 2 weeks as well, but he was traveling for work. I didn't want to come back from our trip and have a disaster of a new house. So I worked hard to get everything unpacked and put away. There are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked such as winter coats and computer desk stuff. But for the most part everything else was done. Finally settled into our new home and poof...off to MD Riley and I go.
I'll get some pictures up of the new house soon. And I'll be blogging about our trip to MD, but give me some time. I'm extremely tired since Riley is still on MD time and woke up at 3:30am like it was time to play. And there was no going back to sleep until her short 30 minute nap at 6am. Oh the joys of jet lag!!
So after the whole cleaning chore and inspection was over we were officially in our new home. It felt really good. Except now comes the chore of unpacking all of the boxes and getting everything organized. I literally had less than a week because Riley and I were leaving that Sunday night to fly to MD to visit with family. And Trey was leaving Monday for 2 weeks as well, but he was traveling for work. I didn't want to come back from our trip and have a disaster of a new house. So I worked hard to get everything unpacked and put away. There are still a few boxes that need to be unpacked such as winter coats and computer desk stuff. But for the most part everything else was done. Finally settled into our new home and poof...off to MD Riley and I go.
I'll get some pictures up of the new house soon. And I'll be blogging about our trip to MD, but give me some time. I'm extremely tired since Riley is still on MD time and woke up at 3:30am like it was time to play. And there was no going back to sleep until her short 30 minute nap at 6am. Oh the joys of jet lag!!
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