Even though it's rainy season in Hawaii we manage to catch a few beautiful sunny days. It was a gorgeous day on Sunday so we decided to head to the beach. We went to the Bellows which is on an Air Force Base. The first part of the beach is open to the public, but then there is a military only section that you have to show your military id to gain access. It's much nicer to go to the private beaches because they aren't as crowded and it's more peaceful. We don't have to deal with all the tourists!! Here are a couple nice shots of the view we were enjoying!
Trey dipped Riley's feet in the water just to get her aquainted with the cool water temperature. After that we took her cover up off and put her in her baby innertube. Trey took her out into the water as I stood on the beach to take some pictures. Just Trey's luck, he wasn't watching the waves and one snuck up on him and crashed right over Riley's head. I was yelling from the shore "Treeeyyy" when I saw the wave coming for them. But it was apparent he didn't hear me. Riley didn't appreciate her underwater experience. So I went and put the camera down and jumped into the water with them. I held Riley to get her calmed down. Riley was hanging on to me for dear life! After about 20 minutes in the water we headed back up to the beach so Riley could warm up and play in the sand. She had a blast! I was surprised that she last the whole 3 hours we were there without any complaints.
After the beach we headed to Kailua and ate at the best burger joint in Oahu...Teddy's Bigger Burger. (And yes Mr. Kevin, it's better than Five Guys!) After we chowed down on our burgers and shakes we cruised up to Nuuani Pali State Park. This place has a fabulous view that goes on for miles. It was super chilly at the overlook though. The wind was blowing really hard and it was only about 65 degrees, but the wind chill made it feel like 50. I know many of you think that's warm, but let me tell you, I was frozen!
1 comment:
Everything looks beautiful - the water, the beach, and oh yeah, Riley! And, Trey and his pink braces, how funny! Okay, so I was putting away all the Christmas decorations and came across a box under the table I used to wrap gifts. Don't worry - it was only Riley's Christmas present! How I forgot about it - no idea. I am attributing it to age and three teenagers in the house! We love and miss you bunches and look for Riley's treats in the mail! Sorry! Aunt Donna. etc.
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