Trey cooked us some waffles with our Belgian waffle maker. He's always so proud of himself when he makes us breakfast. That, of course, is the only thing he makes in the kitchen! I was very thankful though. It's nice to get a break, even if it is for one meal. After breakfast we went to the Honolulu SPCA to look at dogs. Trey has been worse than a little kid asking to get a dog. I still don't think we need a dog right now, but I thought I'd humor him! When we went into the SPCA it was rather sad to see all of the dogs in the cages. However, there wasn't one dog that either of us fell in love with. Most of them had health problems and then the few Trey picked out weren't friendly with children. Since we're not getting rid of Riley anytime soon we left the SPCA without a dog.
We came home and fed Riley lunch(we are onto squash this week) and then back out we went. We decided it was a good time to take Riley's holiday picture. I figured it would be easy since she's always sitting up so nicely and in a good mood. Now that Riley is crawling around and moving everywhere it was rather difficult to capture a good picture. Every time I'd sit her up and fix her dress she'd wait for me to walk away and start to crawl again. It was pretty funny. Luckily we managed to get a good shot! Then Trey took Riley and me around his work. We got to look at the helicopters he works on and got a tour of the whole hangar. It was a fun time!
Riley passed out in the car on the way home. Once we got home Riley ate her dinner and then back out we went. Some of Trey's car buddies were meeting up and taking a drive to the North Shore. Trey decided since he had to work the next day he'd take the fam with him. Since Riley and I were going, our neighbor Brian decided to bring his wife and little boy along too. We went on a nice drive to the North Shore and stopped at a Mexican restaurant that I'd been wanting to try. Cholo's was the place and boy was it yummy in my tummy!! We got home around 9pm, way passed Riley's bed time. We skipped the nightly bath and just threw her into her pj's and off to bed she went! It was a really fun filled day. Trey especially enjoyed it, not only because he was with his wife and daughter all day, but because he got to have us ride in his camaro all day too!
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