Hadley is getting stronger and stronger everyday. I sat her on the floor the other day just to see what she would do when I let go of her. Much to my surprise Hadley held herself up. She was slouching over a bit, but didn't fall over. I walked away from her to get my camera, came back, and she was still sitting in this position! I was so proud. She stayed in this position for about 10 minutes. I wouldn't consider this sitting up, but the fact she can hold herself up like this is pretty impressive to me. Riley got a kick out of Hadley sitting like this too! Hadley is rolling over now. She's been rolling over consistently for about a week now. It's so exciting to watch my girls develop!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Just for Po!
I would like to announce that this sweet angel is now saying "excuse me" and "thank you." It's the sweetest thing in the world to hear!! I LOVE IT!!
Friday, March 26, 2010
A Nice Afternoon
I thought it was pretty cool watching a sub head out to sea. You aren't suppose to take pictures, but I had to snap one! I had never seen a submarine heading out. You probably can't see but there are sailors standing on top of the sub. We also got to see a ship coming in but I didn't get a picture of that due to a dead battery in the camera!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Please Be Over
Have you ever had one of those days that you wish you could just climb back into bed, pull the covers over your head, close your eyes and not wake up until the next day?? That is how I felt all day yesterday. It was a miserable day for me and that's putting it nicely. Riley was in a mood that she just wouldn't come out of. (It frightens me to think about her moods during puberty!) She was whining all day and throwing tantrums left and right. Hello miss almost 2 years old. Due to all of the tantrums it seemed like Riley was in time out every 5 minutes. And while Riley screaming Hadley is just being an angel. Then once I get Riley to act civilized again it seemed like Hadley would start crying and fussing. I knew why Hadley was cranky though. It was due to her shots the day before and the fact that she's teething. Seriously though, when you have either one or the other child whining all day you want to throw your own tantrum. I was honestly considering throwing myself on the ground so that I could kick and scream like Riley had been doing all day. I thought perhaps it just might make me feel better. And maybe if Riley saw how ridiculous it looked when someone else threw a tantrum she might stop. Instead I just counted to ten(about a billion times during the day) and took a deep breath and tried to make it through the day without losing my sanity. It was finally nap time and I was so looking forward to some peace and quiet. I was preparing to take a cat nap myself. Too bad Hadley decided she only needed a 30 minute nap. What?? Hadley normally sleeps for 2 hours in the afternoon. I almost died when I heard her wake up. I tried for a half an hour to get her back to sleep and she wasn't having it. As a matter of fact she was laughing at me most of the time! I plopped her in her jumperoo so that I could fold laundry and load the dishwasher. I was keeping my fingers crossed that Riley woke up in a better mood. Riley woke up and my fingers crossed didn't work. I took the girls outside for some fresh air in hopes that would chipper Riley up. It worked for awhile...a very short while. Riley finally chippered up when she got to eat some mac n' cheese for dinner. Then she was even happier when she got to go to the store with daddy. I was super happy when Trey took her with him. It's days like these that I wish I lived in MD so I could just drop grumpy pants off at the grandparents house! Bedtime could not have come soon enough for me yesterday. Put a fork in me because I was so done!!
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I was sleeping nicely last night until Riley began screaming at 3am and came into my bed and didn't go back to sleep until 4:30am. Pregnancy should come with a warning label!! Just kidding, I wouldn't change a thing!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Check-Up Time
Monday, March 22, 2010
Absolute Cuteness
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Little Bit of Hadley
Hadley isn't really the biggest fan of tummy time or laying on her back, but she's getting better with both positions. She's so funny with tummy time because she scoots herself all around. I sleep Hadley on her belly(just like I did with Riley) and sometimes she scoots herself all the way to the other end of her crib. It's funny when I go to get her in the morning and she'll be facing the complete opposite way from how I put her to sleep. She's a mover and a shaker! She'll probably be crawling before she rolls over!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Make My Day
Friday, March 12, 2010
Park Play
One of the best things about where we live is that the playground is literally right behind our house. It's so nice having a playground so close because Riley loves to go outside and play. Unfortunately the past couple of weeks we haven't gotten to go play outside too much. The weather hasn't been very cooperative. It's been raining a whole lot and on the sunny days the wind is blowing way too hard. The gusts of wind have been around 40mph and poor little Hadley loses her breathe when it's too windy. Today was absolutely gorgeous though. There was no rain and very little wind. This meant we could walk down to the playground and release some energy before nap time! Yeah for some fresh air because it definitely makes my babies sleep better! Riley is getting much more adventurous while at the playground. There are a number of different climbing contraptions that she is now trying out. This makes me completely nervous because she will climb to the last bar and then can't reach the last step to the platform of the jungle gyms(or whatever you call them). I'm just waiting for the first broken bone. Trey's guess is she'll have one by the time she's 3. Riley is definitely a little girl with no fear and I'm that protective mom that doesn't want my baby to get hurt! Except I don't think I'm too protective. I was glad to have a wonderful morning out in the gorgeous weather chasing Riley around and wearing her little booty out!
Isn't it funny that you don't see any ads with screaming babies?? Every ad I've ever seen the babies look happier than ever!! This was Hadley after I was running around chasing Riley. I don't think she appreciated being bounced around so much!! Oops!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Love Bugs
Hadley normally wakes up before Riley so I get her fed. Then once Riley gets up I take Hadley upstairs with me and we greet Riley together. Riley is always super stoked to see Hadley. Riley insists that I put Hadley in her crib with her. They are always so sweet in Riley's crib together that I had to grab my camera to show everyone just how adorable my girls are! Hadley normally just lays in the crib and looks all around while Riley is just hugging and kissing Hadley to death! I hope Riley's adoration for her little sister never fades away!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Hard to Please
Please Wear a Tutu!
Monday, March 8, 2010
The Next Travis Pastrana
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Almost Two!
Friday, March 5, 2010
The Aquarium
Today Riley and Hadley had their first trip to the aquarium. We went with some of our friends from our old baby hui group. It was a really fun time for Riley to be able to play with a bunch of kids her age and get to see some aquatic life. But the aquarium was really nothing to write home about(or blog about for that matter)! The aquarium here is so tiny, you could literally be done with it in 30 minutes. No wonder the parking outside had a 1 hour time limit! However, Riley was super excited to look at all the fish. She actually didn't want to leave, but I could only look at the same fish exhibits for so long! It makes me want to take her to the Baltimore Aquarium. I'm sure she'd LOVE it there. That will definitely be on the agenda for our next trip to MD. It's the little things like that which make me miss home! Despite the size of the aquarium we had a really fun morning. And I enjoyed looking at the ocean walking to the aquarium and then back to my car! I was going to walk the girls down to the beach but the homeless campers were swarming the place and I didn't feel comfortable by myself walking near them. I forgot to snap a picture of all the tents set up so you'll just have to enjoy the pictures of Riley! Not like that will be too hard!
Here is my delicate little flower Riley...climbing up to see the fish!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Tsunami Scare
A shot of our neighbors that we went with. We enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch together as we waited for the tsunami to hit.
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