Riley has had 4 teeth since May. That's it, just two on the top and two on the bottom. She was an early crawler and an early walker, but not an early teether. So here we are at 17 months old and Riley's got teeth coming in left and right. However, I think it's worse as they get older because I feel that she is more aware of her pain. I'm glad that she's getting more teeth, I just wish they came in when she was smaller! I've been giving her Tylenol before bed to help with the pain and her mild fever but she has been waking up every night for the past week screaming bloody murder. Some nights it's only one time and other nights it's up to three times. Trey and I just let her cry herself back to sleep. I'm hoping the midnight wake ups will end soon so that I can enjoy my last 8 weeks of sleeping through the night! Perhaps my Riley is just preparing me for her little sisters arrival!! Anyway, Riley has 6 teeth now, with 2 more starting to pop through. At least that's what I can see right now.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Riley has had 4 teeth since May. That's it, just two on the top and two on the bottom. She was an early crawler and an early walker, but not an early teether. So here we are at 17 months old and Riley's got teeth coming in left and right. However, I think it's worse as they get older because I feel that she is more aware of her pain. I'm glad that she's getting more teeth, I just wish they came in when she was smaller! I've been giving her Tylenol before bed to help with the pain and her mild fever but she has been waking up every night for the past week screaming bloody murder. Some nights it's only one time and other nights it's up to three times. Trey and I just let her cry herself back to sleep. I'm hoping the midnight wake ups will end soon so that I can enjoy my last 8 weeks of sleeping through the night! Perhaps my Riley is just preparing me for her little sisters arrival!! Anyway, Riley has 6 teeth now, with 2 more starting to pop through. At least that's what I can see right now.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wet N' Wild
Below, Trey is jumping into the wave. Look at his skills!
While Trey was bodyboarding, Riley and I took a break in the shade as she snacked on some chips. Notice how Riley is grabbing for more chips and already has a handful of them. That's my girl!
I had fun playing with Riley in the keiki pool but didn't get to experience any of the adult water slides. I didn't think that would be a good idea at 31 weeks pregnant! Of course as we were leaving the water park I spotted the "lazy river," at least that's what it was called at Kingsdominion. I was totally bummed that I didn't get to enjoy that! It would have been the perfect spot for me! Oh well, maybe next time!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Air Show
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Daddy and Riley
Trey invented a new game with Riley that she wouldn't let him stop playing. He wrapped Riley in our couch cushion like a sausage and flew her around the living room. I was a little nervous because all I could picture was Riley flying out of the cushion and falling. Riley on the other hand was overjoyed. She was laughing like a crazy child!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
New to Me
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tiny Roommate
Sunday, September 6, 2009
28 Weeks
I had my 28 week check-up on Thursday. Everything appears to be great with baby girl #2. Her heart rate is still strong at about 142 bpm and she's moving all over my belly. I think my favorite part of pregnancy is watching my belly move. Everything appears to be ok with me too. My blood pressure and heart rate are normal and I've gained 23lbs. The doctor did say that I'm on track with the weight gain but he doesn't want me to gain more than 30-35lbs. Hopefully I won't, but I did gain 45lbs with Riley. I guess I could stop eating ice cream nightly, but that's my guilty pleasure! I had to get my glucose screening done at this appointment as well. I got to drink the nasty orange drink and finish it in 5 minutes, then wait an hour for them to take my blood. I have a huge bruise on my arm from their first attempt of taking my blood. My veins are the worst. Then afterwards I had to go to Tripler Hospital to get my Rhogam shot in my booty. The nurse kindly said the needle was going in my right hip, but I definitely got the shot in my right butt cheek! I have a nice bruise there as well. I forgot how much that needle burns. There is my update on baby girl #2!! I can rest easy knowing that we are both healthy!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Name Change
Okay, so after a lot of discussion Trey and I have decided against the name Kennedy Lynn Prewitt for our new baby girl. There were way too many people thinking it was after President Kennedy and kept referencing that family. Not to mention Trey and I watched a special on the History channel about the Kennedy family only to learn that there was a bad omen to their name. Therefore, we have changed our minds. And we both agreed to change the name with no argument. We have decided on another name that is going to stick this time. However, at this time I'm not sure that we are going to announce the new name. There is always someone who isn't going to like the name and we don't want to be influenced in any way. What matters is the fact that we like the name and feel that it will suit our new little girl perfectly. Trey said he's happy with the new name because it's just as good as Riley Jane!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Trip to the Zoo
Riley and I spent the morning at the zoo with some of her pals from our Baby Hui group. We hadn't been to the zoo since last year with my mom, Sara, and Addie. I figured it would be a good time to take Riley back since she notices animals much more now. Of course, come to find out Riley was more interested in the fish and turtles that were in the ponds that surrounded the monkeys and gorillas. She did try to mimic the monkey sound though which was pretty cute! I'm thinking next time I'll take Riley to the aquarium.
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