Today we decided to take Mr. Bill to the tourist hot spot, Waikiki. We started the day by walking around all the nice, fancy and expensive shops. We strolled in to Tiffany's to take a look at all the jewelry that I'll never own! We came across the most beautiful 4 carat engagement ring. It was to die for! The sparkle of the ring was nearly blinding. I asked the super nice sales associate if I could try it on for fun, and she said of course! Ironically the ring was my size...perfect fit! Too bad the ring retailed for $313,000. I almost fell over when I heard that price. I told Trey that I'd rather have a house any day over the ring. I'm 100% satisfied with my 1 carat!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
A Day in Waikiki
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dole Plantation
Gloomy Day
(Mr. Kev- I know you've been asking for these here you go!! Sorry the surf pics took so long to get!)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Beach Day
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Kona Brewing Company
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Ka'iwi Scenic Shoreline
After our exhausting hike on Koko Head mountain all I wanted was some gatorade and to go home and eat some lunch. Well I got my gatorade but instead of lunch I got to hike up another mountain. I asked Trey if he was out of his mind but he seemed to think hiking 2 trails, one right after the other, was just fine. However, this trail was much better because it had a paved path instead of old railroad tracks. Not to mention this mountain hike wasn't straight up, the path curved around the mountain which made it much better! The views we saw as we hiked up were beautiful. I'd hike this trail any day of the week! I made it to the top of this baby no problem!
Koko Head
So the big mountain you see to the left is called Koko Head mountain. Trey decided we were going to take Mr. Bill here to hike to the top to see a spectacular view. I almost shat my pants when I saw what he wanted me to climb. I'm not what you would call "in shape" if you know what I mean! As we walk to the trail we all see that in order to hike up this mountain you have to climb up old railroad tracks. They were old, rotted wood pieces. I wanted to die after about climbing up 10 of them. Mr. Bill was encouraging me all during our hike unlike my husband who would just yell "let's go."
Oh yes, here is the happy hiking family now. I look like I'm about ready to pass out. Perhaps next time I attempt this hike I'll bring lots of water and not have my monthly friend visiting me!
Climbing down the mountain was worse for me I think. It was straight down and I felt like I was going to fall flat on my face. Not to mention my legs felt like jelly! So who wants to come conquer Koko Head with me. Lord knows I need someone other than my husband with me to encourage me up that damn thing!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Birthday Trey
Welcome Mr. Bill!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thank You Vincent!!!
I've lived in Hawai'i for about 8 months now and only had 3 haircuts. Each time the hairstylist totally screwed up my hair. I guess they had no idea what I was asking for. So I tried a new salon this time and another new hair stylist, Vincent. I explained to him how I wanted my hair to be. He asked what the last person did to my hair because it was so messed up! After that I was confident that he would do a good job. I must say I'm totally satisfied. I waited 3 months to even attempt to get my haircut again because I was so scared that it would be messed up again.
Finally I've found my hair stylist!
Valentines Weekend
Happy belated Valentines!! We enjoyed a nice, fun Valentines weekend. Saturday morning when Trey woke up Riley and I each gave him a card and instead of chocolate he got car wash towels! I figured he could use those more than chocolate. Then mid afternoon Trey snuck out to go get me a dozen red roses and Lindt chocolate truffles....yummy! It was a nice surprise, but I knew what he was doing when he left the house. We relaxed at home for
most of the day and then went out to dinner. Trey said we were going to CPK(California Pizza Kitchen) but took me to a place called Sea Breeze that's on Hickam AFB. The atmosphere was great because it was outdoors and right on the water. The food on the other hand was not so good. However, while we were there we found out about another restaurant called La Mariana. So on Sunday we went with our friends to La Mariana for lunch. The ambiance of this place was awesome. It was also on the water, but you couldn't really see it from inside. But the food was delicious! And the best part is it's a "locals only" place. So when we get some visitors again it's definitely a place we will take them to. Our lunch definitely made up for the crappy Valentines dinner. It was an absolutely gorgeous day on Sunday so after lunch we spent the rest of the day outside. That consisted of me chasing after Riley who is now all over the place. That girl has some quick little feet!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Riley the Explorer
I'm beginning to think I let Riley watch too much of Dora the Explorer. I tell you, Riley is into everything now. Once she mastered her walking skill, Riley discovered that she can now open cabinets and drawers. Riley likes to take everything out of the drawers and then she'll put some of the things back into the drawer. She also enjoys taking all of the clothes(whether clean and folded or just plain dirty) out of the laundry baskets. Her latest and greatest discovery is the fact that she can flush the toilet! I try to always close the bathroom door, but sometimes I just forget. Of course that's not as bad as Trey leaving the toilet seat up and Riley wandering into the bathroom and putting her hand in the toilet! Oh the joys of having a toddler! Riley cracks me up with all that she's into now. I keep a watchful eye on her, but I also let her explore her surroundings.
And if your wondering why Riley doesn't have a shirt on- it's because she won't keep a bib on anymore and she makes a mess of herself, so I just take her shirt off. Then to top that off, Riley HATES to get dressed. Hence the reason she's topless!
And if your wondering why Riley doesn't have a shirt on- it's because she won't keep a bib on anymore and she makes a mess of herself, so I just take her shirt off. Then to top that off, Riley HATES to get dressed. Hence the reason she's topless!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
9 Month Well Baby Check
Riley had her 9 month well baby check today. Our big girl is now 29in long and weighs 22lbs 4oz. She is in the 90-95% for both her height and weight. We definitely have a healthy girl on our hands! Her doctor was asking development questions and wanted to know if Riley was holding onto furniture and trying to move around on her feet. I chuckled a little! I told the doctor that Riley was walking on her own now. The doctor looked at me like I had 2 heads and said, "Ok, well show me that." Riley isn't a performer on demand. She likes to do things on her own terms, so I was praying she wouldn't make me look like an idiot! So I stood her on the floor and I went on the other side of the room. I was calling Riley over to me and she just stood there looking at me like I was crazy! After about 30 seconds Riley decided to come and get me, thank God! Her doctor was amazed and said that she is ahead of the game because walking is a 12 month milestone. So I was a pretty proud mom! After Riley showed off her walking skills the doctor informed me that I have to start weaning Riley off of her binky. The doc said by the time Riley is 1 she should no longer be using a binky. Yeah right! I think that's a bit rushed. We'll see. After Riley's exam she had to get her second dose of the flu shot and a finger stick. She wasn't fond of either needle stick. But I'm happy to report that Riley is a healthy girl!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Practice Makes Perfect
Riley also does a great job at regaining her balance when she gets a little wobbly!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Superbowl Sunday
It was a beautiful day when we first arrived at the beach. However, after about an hour the clouds were covering the sun and the wind started to pick up. It was rather chilly!! We didn't even make our way into the water today because we were too cold to even test out the ocean. I know what you are thinking...I don't know what cold is!! Honestly though, if you were with us you wouldn't have gotten in the water either. So instead of swimming we just hung out and let Riley play in the sand and took some pictures.
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