The first hour we probably had about 10 to 15 trick or treaters come through. I was giving the kids 2 pieces of candy each, which I thought was plenty. Then, infront of the trick or treaters, Trey is yelling "don't be stingy, give them more!" I looked at him like he was crazy. So since there weren't very many kids coming around I did as my husband requested and gave handfulls of candy to each trick or treater. All of the sudden all of these cars and vans start pulling in on our street and mobs of kids are jumping out of the vehicles. A limo even pulled up and 14 kids jumped out. What??? Where are these people coming from? I'd like to mention that they were all locals too! They don't like the Hali's unless it's Halloween! Someone must have called their friends and told them to hit up our neighborhood because we got attacked by all of the trick or treaters. It was crazy, like nothing I've ever seen before!
I told Trey to get some pictures of all the cars lining our street and all the people spilling out of the cars. We were all in amazement. The pictures don't even capture the craziness of our night. Needless to say we ran out of candy in the midst of all these kids coming to our house. We were packing up and heading inside and the kids still kept coming up to us. Once we got inside I turned out all of the lights so that nobody would come to our house. Apparently that rule doesn't apply here. While I was giving Riley a bath the doorbell rang 5 different times. I was exhausted after this experience. I don't even know if I'm making sense telling the story!! Much to my dismay I was only able to sneak 1 little pack of my favorite candy, reese's pieces. Oh well! I guess that's God's way of telling me I don't need any chocolate!!